Top 3 Employee Engagement and Gratitude Articles for the Week of January 23, 2015

Because there are so many great articles on employee engagement and creating a culture of appreciation in the workplace, I want to share the best of these resources with you. Here are my favorites from this week. I have included some of my thoughts on these gratitude strategies (“Grategies”) and would like to hear your comments too.

Employee Engagement: Fostering the Courage to Push Back by Sue Cockburn

(Business 2 Community) Good leaders “listened to what I had to say and trusted that my intentions were well meaning. They also understood that clamping down on my enthusiasm and my eagerness to contribute would likely discourage me and prevent me from doing so again in future.”

My Thoughts:  The best manager I ever had, Dale, made it safe for me to say what was on my mind.  He let me be me, and I excelled because of his leadership.  Twelve years after leaving that position, Dale is still one of my best friends.  How safe is your work environment to express honest opinions and enthusiasm for the task at hand?

Appreciated or Taken for Granted? A Tale of Two Workplace Cultures by David Lee

(TLNT) “Working in a company where people care about others, where managers and peers express appreciation, and where you feel like you matter as an individual, doesn’t just make people feel good. It makes employees want to do their best and be their best. It makes employees want to be helpful to their peers and work together as a team.”

My Thoughts:  Don’t assume that the people who work for you know how much you appreciate their efforts.  TELL them!  It will make them want to live up to your honest, sincere praise.

Study: Quantitative Data Shows Employee Engagement Directly Linked to Customer Satisfaction By: Michael Guarente

(Loyalty 360) “Great customer experience and service begins with treating employees right, and providing moments of surprise and delight along the way.”

My thoughts:  It makes sense that the better we treat our employees, the better they will treat our clients.  And, it’s always nice to see common sense backed up with research


Lisa Ryan, creator of Grategy® is a professional speaker and bestselling author who focuses on workplace culture. For more information contact (216) 225-8027. For information on Grategy® programs please visit Follow on Twitter: @Grategy

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