The workplace must be a place of empowerment

workplace 1245776 1280It is important that you appreciate that the workplace must be a place of empowerment, but the empowerment must not only be connected to the job that you do.” Anthony Carmona

As Simon Sinek so wisely says, “People don’t care what you do until they know WHY you do what you do.” What is your WHY? Why do you get up in the morning to do what you do? What gets you excited about your day? How do you make a difference?

When you can truly figure that out, it becomes easier for you to share your passion, your commitment, and your plans with the people in your life and on the job. If engagement is just one more thing on the “to-do” list, chances are good that you’re not forming strong connections with others.

When my new demo video came out and I shared it with a few colleagues. One of them said, “I should send this to our manager. We REALLY need you here.” Unfortunately, it’s the companies who “need” this information the most that are the least likely to act. It’s the organizations that are already focusing on the art of connection, creating an awesome culture, and that “get it” that are the ones that bring me in.

Think about the people you work with – are the connections purely functional, or do you know, like, and trust each other? If it’s the former, what can you do today to find out one “fun fact” about someone else and make your connection with that person just a bit stronger?

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