Playing in the Baseball Game of Life

Lisa Ryan Grategy key“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell

Sue recently lost her job and is going through the roller coaster of emotions that goes along with a devastating loss.  She shares, “Frightened is probably the one that stands out the most – no insurance – no income. My husband is on disability, so we will survive – no sweat! I have been working since I was in my teens and have never been without a job unless I chose to be, like when I was a stay-at-home mom many years ago (Can’t believe my baby will be 40 next month!)

“In these past few days I have decided I don’t want to be the boss I just want to have fun without all of the hassles. In the baseball game of life, my game is not over yet. I haven’t had my final out!”

The funny thing is that we don’t always realize when it’s time for us to move on, so those decisions are sometimes made for us. Sue’s positive attitude is a great indicator that she’s on the path to discovering her highest and best for her life. When you expect great things to happen, they do. (Although not always in the time frame you would like.)   🙂

PS – If money were no object, what would you be doing with your life, right now?


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