Once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.

casual cute female friends 206409“Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.” Margaret Mead

When I saw this week’s quote, it summed up an important milestone in my life this week.

My sister and I were never close growing up. We were “unmanaged” as children, and it’s probably safe to say, we just didn’t like each other very much. A few years ago, the relationship went from neutral to toxic and we stopped talking altogether.

After hitting bottom, for some reason, a healing started taking place. We worked on getting along. Little by little, a foundation of trust was built and our love and affection for each other grew.

My sister came to stay with me for a week as she was getting ready to sell her house. Before her trip, she sent me a text that said, “Selling a house is stressful, I need my big sister.” That one text meant everything to me as it was the first time that she ever said she needed me.

When I told her how much her text meant to me, she said she wasn’t sure how I would react, because she never said those words before. It was a moment.

The lesson here? If you have a difficult relationship with someone in your family, consider what it would take to turn it around. Sometimes it takes fifty years for change to happen. When it does, I promise you, it is magic. I’m very grateful for having the sister I’ve always wanted.

Have fun


PS – I’m not talking about pursuing toxic relationships. There are people who you really are better not having in your life. I’m talking about taking a negative, shallow, or neutral relationship and looking for ways to create a stronger, more loving bond.

PSS – I’m here for you and I appreciate you!

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