Manufacturing Engagement – There’s value in learning during lunch.

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Smiling young businesswomen having lunch at table in office

All work and no learning make for a dull team. Give group leaders permission to hold “Lunch and Learn” sessions.

Set up a training portal that your workers can access for their professional development. Check out the many free and low-cost programs available online and offsite.

Giving your team opportunities to learn on their own helps you to figure out which staff members are self-motivated enough to take advantage of additional training (watch those people!).

When you offer “lunch and learns” for anyone who wants to attend, you’ll have a group of individuals in the same room, learning the same things, and having the same conversations. There is strength in numbers and the more the word spreads about how fun these programs are, the more people will take advantage of them over time.

Action Ideas:

  1. If your programs have a slow start, don’t give up. It takes time to catch on.
  2. Ask attendees how you can make the sessions more beneficial – and listen to their ideas.
  3. Encourage people to invite their colleagues to attend. Using word of mouth will get the numbers up.

To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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