Manufacturing Engagement – Promote from within whenever possible.

1680713 ladderGive your employees opportunities to learn, grow, and expand their knowledge base, so that those workers who want to can achieve their career goals.

Even though the flattening of most organizations means that the chances to “climb the corporate ladder” are much lower than they used to be, there are lots of ways for you to provide the additional training. Check out online courses and different learning resources your current vendors may offer.

When you ask an employee what they want from their career, and you help them to achieve their professional pursuits, you build a strong foundation of loyal employees who will go the extra mile for you, because they know you are taking care of them.

Action Ideas:

  1. Offer training and education opportunities to your employees. Those who take you up on the offer may be your emerging leaders.
  2. Make sure you train your new managers. Taking your best machine operation and promoting him/her may create your worst new manager without adequate training.
  3. Empower your employees to do their job in the best way they see fit. Don’t micromanage. Stay out of the way and make it safe for them to come to you if they have questions.

To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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