Manufacturing Engagement – Get rid of toxic employees.

1678615 problem employeeIf you have a toxic employee in your shop, correct the situation or let that person go. A hostile “lone wolf” can do more damage than their productivity (or lack thereof) is worth.

Of course, from a legal standpoint, documentation is critical. Record exactly what the employee did and the negative impact he/she had on the team. This action not only protects you from wrongful termination lawsuits, but it also shows that you made every effort to help the employee, but he chose not to do so.

Just one problem employee can destroy the culture of an organization. And, when a problem employee causes others to leave, who jumps ship? Your worst employees or your best ones? Take the steps you need to create order and harmony amongst the staff.

  1. Have a correction action plan in place. Offering coaching and retraining before the formal discipline process shows the effort you put forth to help your employee change.
  2. Train your managers in proper documentation techniques. If it is not written down, it didn’t happen.
  3. There are no employees that you can’t live without. It’s never easy to fire someone, but sometimes that is your only option. It’s a business decision. The rest of your team will breathe a sign of welcome relief.

To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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