Jumping off the Cliff of Life

Lisa Ryan Chief Appreciation Strategist Grategy jump off a cliff“You first jump off the cliff and you then built your wings on the way down.” Unknown

Because it was my first time in Nebraska, I figured that the appropriate dinner would have to be an Omaha steak. The hotel shuttle driver suggested a few places downtown that were supposed to be good. As I sat on the bus, another woman boarded. She instructed the driver to take her to a particular restaurant, and then asked me where I was going. 

I said, “Wherever the driver said was good. But if you want some company, I’d love to join you.” So there we were, two complete strangers, having an amazing dinner together. (Yes, an Omaha steak really is that good!) It turns out not only is she a C-level executive for a large financial institution, she loves my message about creating a culture of appreciation in the workplace. We exchanged contact information, connected on social media and are now exploring opportunities to work together. 

Yes, I was “lucky” that I happened to get on the bus at the exact moment that this woman did. However, if I hadn’t invited myself out to dinner with her, the experience would not have nearly been so delightful. Sometimes you are given opportunities and it’s up to you whether or not you take them. 

When you were a child, your mom probably told you not to talk to strangers.  As an adult, I recommend talking to as many “strangers” as you can.  Chances are, they are just friends you haven’t met yet.


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