Find the good and praise it.

jet cloud landing aircraft 46148“Find the good and praise it.” Alex Haley

It was supposed to be simple – a 7:00 flight from Newark to Chicago and then home to Cleveland at midnight. Mind you, I still had to leave at 6:00 am the next morning to drive two hours to Columbus for my very last meeting as President of NSA Ohio, so it was going to be a short night. But, I had awards, new board inductions, etc. and there was no way I could miss it.

A 45 -minute delay meant that I would miss my connection and wouldn’t be able to be home until mid-morning on Saturday. Nope. I had two choices – drive seven hours or pay $600 for a ticket on another airline.I opted to fly. Then, the moment I clicked “Buy,” I was informed that THAT flight was delayed, so even with a direct flight, I’d get home at 12:30 am.  Ugh!

Then, something shifted and good things started happening. As I went to print out my boarding pass at the kiosk, I learned that I could get on an earlier delayed flight that would get me home by 9:30 – for no additional fee. Whoopee! I got all my preparations done for Saturday, and was in bed an hour before I was originally supposed to land.

On my way to Columbus, I marveled at how perfect everything worked out. Was it expensive? Yes! In the scheme of things, did it matter? No! It ended up being a perfect day with my chapter at NSA Ohio and a fabulous end to my service as chapter President.

What does all this have to do with you? When it looks like NOTHING is going to work out – look for your other options. When you’re angry and upset – take action. When you feel like things are spinning out of control – consider the things you can control.

Good things happen when you don’t take “no” for an answer.

Have fun


PS – Then, when things do work out – don’t forget to say “thank you” and appreciate the miracles as they occur.

PPS – Here’s why employee engagement doesn’t happen by accident:

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