Counting Your Assets Always Shows a Profit

fingers in love“If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.” Robert Quillen

The weather is lousy, the job market is terrible, there’s nothing good on television – how often do we whine and complain about what’s going on in our life instead of counting the good?

After all, the lousy weather makes us appreciate the sunshine.  The terrible job market gives us the opportunity to try things we may not have thought of before.  We can read or visit with friends instead of killing brain cells in front of the TV. We can choose to be miserable or we can elect to be happy.

Take inventory.  No, not of how many cans of tomato soup you have in your pantry…count your blessings.  Assess your personality traits – are you happy, creative, passionate, likeable, and/or fun to be around?  Evaluate your physical surroundings – do you have a warm bed, comfy furniture, decent house, working plumbing, electricity and heat? Consider your relationships – are you surrounded by good friends, a supportive spouse, and an accommodating boss?

Chances are good that your inventory list is going to be much longer than you initially imagined.  When we count our blessings, we find out how rich we truly are.  Challenge yourself and see how long your list can be.

Have fun,


Yes, I know your list is in your head.  Writing it down will give you something to refer back to when the records in your head are not so easily accessible.

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