Things you take for granted someone else is praying for.

matheus ferrero yAAjoBIKUcA unsplash“Be grateful for the things and people you have in your life. Things you take for granted someone else is praying for” ― Marlan Rico Lee

Today’s quote really struck a chord with me. Although I try not to take a lot of things for granted – the daily gratitude practice helps with that – I still get into comparison mode with others who I perceive to have more, do more and be closer to where I someday aim to be. Today, I will focus on comparing me – to me! Will you choose to do the same?

When it comes to the power of gratitude – no matter what – a subscriber just shared her wonderful story…

“I knew I was getting laid off from my job of twelve years. I took a new position even though I knew I would still be affected by the layoff! I also knew that the individuals that I worked with and their families would be saddened because they too were being displaced. I found great gratitude in having a position where I could assist these families in placing their loved ones in programs that would be the best possible fit for them. I was more concerned about them being comfortable and happy than my layoff! When I would see the relief on their family face when they saw that I cared. I thanked God for me being a help in such a hard situation.

“The gratitude of helping someone is a wonderful feeling! I found in helping others you tend to forget your own problems…the good news for me is God didn’t forget me when I was laid off I had two jobs waiting for me. I took them both!

“I am grateful!”

When you focus on looking for the good every day, you will always find it. And all that matters is that it’s good for YOU!

PS – What are you taking for granted? How can you turn that around and be grateful instead?

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