Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.

pexels claire morgan 4068029“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.”  Earl Nightingale 

Another great lesson in gratitude came from Melissa. Her story is a great reminder to appreciate the time we have with others – and to pay attention to our “gut” when called to do something.

“In January, I renewed my commitment to my gratitude journal and have been doing daily each night, reflecting on what is good each day. It really has changed my perspective and allowed me to see the good in each day, no matter how bad the day may have felt.

“It was especially impactful for me this week as my grandfather passed at 92 years young. On Sunday evening, the day he passed, I sat down at my journal and with tears wrote what I was grateful for. I was grateful that I had 36 years to spend with my grandfather and had the quality time with him since he moved closer 5 years ago.

“I was even more grateful that the morning he passed, I woke up and felt like I had to make sure I visited him earlier in the day to check in on him and he was awake and we had such a nice conversation (most visits he just wanted to sleep or would talk for a minute and would then want to rest.) During our chat, he reminisced about his travels and he even gave me marriage advice telling me not to wait too long until I get married. He passed 3 hours later. I am grateful I had this 1:1 time with him, grateful he wanted to talk, grateful I got to tell him I loved him and that he “loved me more” and grateful I had him FaceTime with my aunt, who had that last chance to tell him she loved him.

“So long story short, though I am sad he is no longer with us, my gratitude keeps flowing this week and every time someone shares they are sorry for my loss, I thank them and tell them, I am just so grateful I was there that day and had that last visit. And this morning, I saw two cardinals on my back fence waiting for me and felt it was his way of telling me he is okay and reunited with my Nana.”

Thank you, Melissa.

PS – Think of someone who needs to hear from you today and call them, text them, or best of all, visit them. You’ll never regret the moments you spend with those you love.


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