God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?’” ~ William A. Ward

Face it, we’re busy. So much to do, and so little time to do it all.

Because of our busyness, we may suffer from stress, worry, anger, fatigue – none of which are very fun. In these hectic times, it’s critical to take some time to appreciate all of the good things we do have in our lives.

If you’re struggling, look for the simple things – you woke up in a warm bed, were able to get up and walk, you have food to eat and a vehicle to get to where you need to go. There are lots of places on the planet where most of those events do not happen on a daily basis.

Getting even further down to the basics, look at the beauty of nature, the fresh water you have to drink, or the love of a family pet. It’s all good.

Make it a point no to take anything for granted today. Better yet, write down 3-5 things that you are grateful for – right now.  Ready? Take a deep breath and think of the top 3 things you are grateful for in your life. Feel better? Awesome!

Have fun,


PS – Keeping a gratitude journal has been the most powerful thing I have ever done. If you aren’t keeping one, try it for 30 days.

PPS – Here’s a video that shows how gratitude and appreciation works in the workplace: https://youtu.be/UC5FFWYXSw8

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