You Can’t Do Everything, But You Can Do Something

flooded basement Lisa Ryan Chief Appreciation Strategist GrategyWe cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once.”  Calvin Coolidge

As Scott and I were watching TV one evening, it began to storm. We had just purchased some plants that were sitting outside and I asked Scott to bring them in the garage so they didn’t get destroyed by the pelting rain.

I heard Scott scream and I ran outside to see what was happening. A flash flood had already filled our backyard and water was pouring into our basement.  The hot water tank looked like a waterfall and the floor was filling up with water.  As Scott was freaking out, not knowing what to do first, I said, “Get the Shop Vac.”  He continued his frantic pacing. Again, I said a little more firmly, “Get the Shop Vac.”  He ran to the garage, brought it down to me and for the next several hours, I Shop Vac’d the basement, filling up at least ten tanks of water while he tended to clearing out everything in the basement.

Finally, the rain stopped and the water subsided. With the exception of getting rid of the old carpeting and trying to figure out what to do with the basement floor, life is back to normal. By focusing on one task at a time – getting the shop vac – we were able to bring sanity to a crazy situation and get everything under control.

When everything seems to be hitting you at once, choose one thing that you can do.  It doesn’t have to be something big – a baby step in the right direction – and you’ll make a difference in the successful completion of the task(s) at hand.

Have fun,


PS – I am VERY grateful for our Shop Vac.  What a life saver!

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