“Whether You Think You Can or Can’t, You’re Right,” Henry Ford

IMG 0995Several years ago while in the business of selling welding supplies, I took up welded art as a hobby.  I loved going to the local scrap yards and finding unique pieces of metal from which I could create my beautiful art.  From a five foot high praying mantis to a Kokopelli wine rack, I was designing and producing some really cool pieces.

On one of my “treasure-hunts” I unearthed several anchors.  I brought them home and they sat in my garage – for months.  I couldn’t think of a darn thing to do with them. One day I was tired of looking at this heap of junk and I decided it was time to finally DO something with them.  I brought one of the anchors into the house and I stared at it.  My husband came in and said, “What in the world are you doing?”  I said, “I’m waiting for this anchor to tell me what it is.”  He shook his head and walked out of the room.  I cleared my mind and within an hour, the anchor became a grasshopper.  It was created twice – first in my mind, and then in reality a few weeks later.

The next time I set out to figure out what the other anchors were, one of them became a cat named Ernie (pictured above) and another became a bumble bee.  It was the exact same anchor and yet a different creation was inside in each one.

What was the change?  When I brought the anchors home, I didn’t think I could make anything from them.  Once I decided that I had the ability to craft something original, I was able to do it – quickly and easily. I cleared my mind of all preconceived notions and listened as my imagination filled in the blanks.

Is there something you want to create in your life but you’re trying to force the answer?  Have you been procrastinating on your BHAG (your big, hairy, audacious goal) because you don’t believe you have the ability to do it?  Imagine now that you are fully capable of achieving your goal, and act “as if” your project has been completed to your utter delight.  Visualize the end result and let your faith, as well as your imagination fill in the details.  Believe you can do it, take action to move forward, and you WILL be successful.

And when you’ve successfully completed your goal, make sure to express gratitude for the thought process and the actions that you made happen.  You have the power to create whatever kind of life you wish – make it a good one.

Have fun,


You can get whatever you want in life as long as you help enough other people get what they want.  Thanks to Zig Ziglar for that timeless reminder.


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