When you tell someone you appreciate them; you create a memory.

n RFId0 7kep4 unsplash“When you tell someone you appreciate them; you create a memory. When you write it down, you create a treasure.” Lisa Ryan

Of all the nice things you can do for someone today, the hand-written note is the one that can have the most long-lasting impact. Consider this – you glance through your mail pile… junk mail, junk mail, bill, bill, PERSONAL NOTE. Which do you open first? If you’re like most people, you went straight to the note. Why? Because we don’t receive personalized communication through the mail nearly often enough any more.

The preponderance of email in our society means that most communications are eliminated by the push of the “delete” button. It’s rare that someone takes the time to print an email. It’s not a warm, fuzzy way to communicate (although I do hope you appreciate THIS email!) It’s the handwritten note or customized card that shows how much you care.

Who needs to hear from you today? Take a deep breath and ask yourself the question. Someone will pop into your mind – your spouse, a child, a co-worker, a client. Whoever it is, write that person a note. Tell them how much you love/appreciate/support them and the reasons why. Send or give the letter to them. Chances are, that letter will be kept for a long time, in a very special place.

Make it a point to write at least one thank-you note this week. Let’s create some treasure together.

Have fun,


PS – You make a difference every time you create a treasure.

PPS – Other people to whom I owe a debt of gratitude are those in the long-term care industry: https://youtu.be/VivGVMBs8UA

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