Top Three Employee Engagement and Retention Articles for the week of October 24, 2016

1505382-top-3 Lisa Ryan Employee engagementHere are my top three picks for amazing employee engagement ideas and strategy articles for the week:

How small business CEOs keep remote employees engaged

(Central Valley Business Times) ““Investing in your team is fundamental to company growth,” says Joe Galvin, chief research officer of Vistage Worldwide. “Adopting new technology and social media plays a role in fostering positive employee engagement, with the added benefit of building a strong company brand. Focusing energy internally inherently eases the process of attracting new business and prospective talent.”

My Thoughts:  Your employees want to be better tomorrow than they are today. You may be afraid that you invest in training and they leave. But ask yourself, what if you don’t invest – and they STAY?

How to Reenergize Employee Engagement This Halloween Season Reports IST Management Services

(IST Mgmt Services “There are only four animals on earth that genuinely know how to laugh and smile.  They are apes, monkeys, chimpanzees and humans.  We’re wired to laugh and smile.  It’s in our DNA.  Common sense dictates that humor is a great way to increase employee morale and reduce stress. A chuckle a day keeps those office blues away.”

My Thoughts: Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Why not let your staff have a little fun for a day?

Customer experience and the importance of employee engagement

( “Skills can be taught but attitudes and behaviours come from within – people who are passionate to deliver great customer experiences will go the extra mile, they will ensure they follow through – if they say they will call a customer back, they do.”

My thoughts:  The better you take care of your internal customers – your employees – the better they will take care or external clients.


Lisa Ryan, creator of Grategy® is an employee engagement strategist, award-winning speaker and bestselling author. For more information, contact (two-one-six) 225-8027. For information on Grategy® programs please visit Follow on Twitter: @Grategy

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