Top Three Employee Engagement and Appreciation articles for the Week of May 8, 2015

Because there are so many great articles on employee engagement and creating a culture of appreciation in the workplace, I want to share the best of these resources with you. Here are my favorites from this week. I have included some of my thoughts on these gratitude strategies (“Grategies”) and would like to hear your comments too.

Managers: Imperative to a Workplace or Redundant? by Vijay Dandapani

(4 “Gallup’s research over the years has found that “Performance fluctuates widely and unnecessarily in most companies, in no small part from the lack of consistency in how people are managed” and the way out of that is to find “great managers” who will serve to “raises employee engagement levels consistently across every business unit” resulting in better metrics across the board.”

My Thoughts:  If you were to look back on all of the managers you’ve ever reported to, you will see the variance. I know I’ve worked harder and been more engaged when I’ve reported to managers who cared about me.

What can HR do to avoid a social media disaster? By Chloe Taylor

(HC Online) “It’s perhaps more important than ever to establish a mutual trust between employers and employees,” Susan Howse, GM of ManPower Group Solution, told HC. “Many corporations are not necessarily prepared and ready to manage what could happen if they don’t have this situation of trust with staff – or perhaps they are unaware of the key steps they should be taking to build this in the company culture.”

My Thoughts:  ‘Back in the day’ disgruntled employees would complain to one or two friends about their job/boss/company.  These days, they can share their dissatisfaction with the world – and they do.

Top 10 Ways to Show Appreciation to Employees by Susan M. Heathfield

(Human “Say thank you. Show your appreciation for their hard work and contributions. And, don’t forget to say please often as well. Social niceties do belong at work. A more gracious, polite workplace is appreciated by all.”

My thoughts:  If you want your employees to do their job and nothing more, look at their paycheck as the only thanks they need.  If you want them to give their heart, passion, and energy to your organization, let them know that you appreciation their contributions.


Lisa Ryan, creator of Grategy® is a professional speaker and bestselling author who focuses on workplace culture. For more information contact (216) 225-8027. For information on Grategy® programs please visit Follow on Twitter: @Grategy

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