Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last.

photo of man wearing gray shirt near sea 709143“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.” Dr. Wayne Dyer

For years, my husband wanted a Sleep Number bed. Every time we’d go to the mall, he’d talk about it. Every commercial that came on, he’d pine for it. This whining went on for ten years (I may be exaggerating, but that’s what it felt like.) I’d say, “Why don’t you just get it?” and he’d come up with some excuse as to why it wasn’t the right time.

Finally, we pooled all our wishes into one big gift and bought ourselves the Sleep Number bed. Yes, it’s awesome. And yes, it does help a little bit with his snoring (not as well as the commercial shows, but it’s much better.)

I’m not saying to go out and buy a lot of things that you can’t afford and get yourself into a financial mess. But – stop putting off the things you’ve wanted for a long time and take action. Start a savings account. Put aside a small amount of money regularly so you can afford it – small savings can add up quickly.

Look to do the things in life that bring you joy. We’re not on this planet long enough to allow ourselves to be miserable.

Have fun,


PS – As much as I travel, I’m ALWAYS grateful to get to sleep in my bed. I can’t tell you how many times “sleep in my own bed” is on my gratitude list for the day. What are you grateful for today?

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