Scatter Sunshine for One Week

Lisa Ryan Chief Appreciation Strategist at Grategy sunshine“Keep your heart free from hate, your mind free from worry.  Live simply, expect little, give much.  Fill your life with love.  Scatter sunshine.  Think of others.  Do as you would be done by. Try this for one week, you’ll be surprised by your Good Luck.” Barney O’Lavin

Seven days can truly make a difference in your life.  Better yet, take each day – one at a time.  You’ll soon find yourself being more positive for a week, and then a month, and before you know it, your happy habits will be what you choose to do as a matter of course.

Start with the little things, like Nancy:  “When I get up in the morning I reach for inspirational reading even before I am fully awake.  This sets the stage for being positive.  (Even though the wind chill was negative ten this morning, I was glad the sun was out.)”  You choose your thoughts from the inside, so what it’s doing on the outside shouldn’t matter.

Or Rick:  “I have a much greater appreciation for what I have and find myself saying thank you more often and counting my blessings every day. I now try to send this message out to my children and others that I meet”. Taking the time to let others know how much you value them makes their day – and yours.

A continuation of Rick’s lesson comes from Kate: “Yes, it only takes losing one person close to you unexpectedly to realize how important it is to tell people how much they mean to us.” PLEASE share your words of acknowledgement with the important people in your life today. You never know when the last thing you say to someone is going to be the last thing you EVER say to them.


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