Manufacturing Engagement – Teach managers to motivate and inspire

1569986 dont give up resizedLeadership training programs need to be an ongoing part of your professional development offerings. No matter how long your managers have been with your organization, training needs to play a consistent role in their career plan.

By providing opportunities for professional development; you create a trickle-down effect that benefits the entire organization.

Training reinforces the good habits that leaders have and teaching them new skills. Look for programs that help leaders manage their time more effectively, learn to set realistic expectations for themselves and their team members and encourage feedback from their managers, peers, and subordinates.

Look at conducting in-house programs so that all your managers can have the same conversation. Consider sending managers off-site to get a fresh perspective and interact with people from different industries.

What can you do to “kick it up a notch” when it comes to your leadership development?

To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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