Manufacturing Engagement – Have your employees’ backs.

trust fearFoster employee engagement by building a foundation of trust with your team. When your colleagues and workers know that you will stand behind them, they are more likely to make better decisions, try new things, and take calculated risks than if they don’t feel that you will support them.

When mistakes occur, discuss what happened with our employee, and what they learned from the error. Then move on.

Your job as a leader is to share the credit during times of celebration and take the blame when things go wrong. When asked during informal polls during training sessions about their “worst manager of all time,” the number one answer is the manager who throws them under the bus. Don’t be that person!

Action Ideas:

  1. Ask your subordinates how you can better support them. Be okay with whatever answer they give you and learn from the feedback.
  2. Roll up your sleeves and pitch in to help when a staff member is in a pinch.
  3. Be the first to acknowledge and celebrate the good work of your workforce. As Dale Carnegie said, “Be lavish in your praise.”


To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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