Invest for the Best

Money in hand“The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people.”  Ken Blanchard

A few years ago, I met a woman while networking.  We exchanged cards and scheduled to meet for coffee. I didn’t feel that we had a lot in common, but she was nice and I wanted to get to know her better.

During our conversation we talked about social media. She was just starting to get into it and was struggling with what she should do. I shared with her several of the best tips that I had discovered in my own social media exploration. Surprised, she asked, “Why are you giving me all of this information without charging me for it?” I was a little taken back, as I was simply sharing knowledge that I thought she would find helpful. She then asked me what she could do to help me. I told her that if she knew of any organizations that were hiring speakers, I’d love to make the connection. That statement led to three speaking engagements which directly led to three of my biggest clients.

If I had blown her off because I didn’t see any value in making the connection, my business would not be where it is today. When you spend time with people, look first for ways that you can be of service to them. Invest in them and the payoff may be bigger than you can imagine.

What can you do today to be a resource for the people that you meet?

Have fun,


By making a difference in the lives of others, they will make a difference for you.

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