Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

photography of woman surrounded by sunflowers 1263986 1 1It’s great that we take the time to reflect on our thankfulness during the holiday season, but what about the rest of the year. What is it that you do – every day – to appreciate the good things in your life?

For me, it’s my gratitude journal. First thing in the morning, before I do ANYTHING else, I take out my journal and write down five sentences expressing things I am grateful for. Today’s gratitudes included:

  • I am grateful for rocking my first “Story Club” program tonight (gratitude in advance.)
  • I am grateful for the Cleveland Museum of Art. (was there for an event last night)
  • I am grateful for Scott bringing me coffee (as he does every morning!)
  • I am grateful for my Mastermind Group (we met by Zoom all day yesterday)
  • I am grateful for time with my mom (whether it’s on the phone or in person, I’m glad she’s there for me)

Maybe you are having one of those days that you don’t know what to be grateful for. That’s the nice thing about writing it down – you can turn back a couple of pages in your journal and be reminded of the good in your life.

Give yourself the gift of two minutes to count your blessings every day – and write them down. It’s a habit that keeps giving – all year round.

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