Finding Happiness Using Your Talents Lisa Ryan grategy child with microphone“The man who is born with a talent which he was meant to use finds his greatest happiness in using it.” Goethe

If all jobs paid exactly the same, would you continue to do what you’re doing for a living?  Interesting question, isn’t it?  Sometimes we focus so much on making a living that we forget to create a life.

While working in an inside sales position where I was very successful, I realized that my job was no longer fun.  I was miserable each Friday because I knew I had to go back to work on Monday.  I was stressed and taking out my frustration on Scott.  Not being able to stand it anymore, I put together a resume, found a new job and got out of there – saving my marriage and my sanity in the process.

When you leave a bad situation, something better always comes along.  If you’re doing something you don’t like now, why not take a baby step today to change your situation? Find a book or take a class that introduces you to something new. Update your resume so you’re ready when the right opportunity shows up.  Set up an exploratory interview to see what else is out there.  Life is too short to spend time doing what you don’t love, but if YOU don’t change your situation, nothing else will.

Have fun,


PS – Life is short – eat dessert first!

PSS – “The Upside of Down Times: Discovering the Power of Gratitude” may be what you need to move forward.  Get it here

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