Concentrate on Finding Whatever is Good in EVERY Situation

tree at duskIf you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.”  Rabbi Harold Kushner

A couple months before my thirtieth birthday, I was struggling with a deep depression.  I was comparing my life in a very unfavorable way to all of my friends.  They were all married, had beautiful houses, drove nice cars and had cute kids.  I, on the other hand, was dating Mr. “Right-Now,” renting a house, leasing a car, and living with my four cats (a recipe for dating disaster).

I needed to get out of my funk so I asked myself the question, “What is GOOD about my situation?”  It took awhile, but it finally dawned on me:  “Wait a minute – I don’t own a house, I don’t have kids, I don’t own a car and I have no husband.  These are the BEST times of my life!  I am in control of my life – I can do what I want, whenever I want, and I don’t have to answer to anyone.  Life is good!”

Within three months of my attitude adjustment, the love of my life, Scott, showed up. If I had not cleared the space for him – breaking up with Mr. Right-Now, and appreciating where I was in my life-it might not have happened.  For Scott and our incredible life, I am profoundly grateful.

In what areas of your life would it be helpful for you to accept what you have, the way it is, and look for the good in it?

Have fun,


When you clear your resentment, envy and/or disappointment, you open the space for the people, events and circumstances that you desire to come into your life.

See this story in “The Keeper of the Keys,” now on DVD at  Put in the promo code ‘grategy5’ for a $5 discount.



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