Challenging Your Challenges

Lisa Ryan persist“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” Margaret Cousins

When you’re going through a particularly challenging time, you may want to give yourself permission to wallow.  After all, you deserve it, right? Life isn’t always fair.  Having a short pity party is okay – getting stuck in negativity holds you back from finding your higher good.

Mary shares, “I was laid off July 31st. I am 62 and suffer from Rheumatoid and Lupus. Even though I have health challenges I am grateful to be able to walk four miles every day, still take care of myself, and smile through the pain.

“I refuse to give up. During this time, I took a class for Project Management and received my CPPM. Even though I am an HR/Safety Professional, this was something that was recommended to me. Now I am working on my SPHR, which is a tough test. I am studying hard, and that too shall work out.

“I wake up wondering if I will work again, I need to work financial reasons and given some health bills and four job losses in eight years, it has been tough to save for retirement. Again, I am grateful for my professional networks, my children and my friends.”

Wow!  Mary is an inspiration to me. With the challenges she is facing, she refuses to give up. Her positive attitude will continue to get her through these tough times. Thank you, Mary for sharing your story with me and my readers.  I appreciate you!

What are you doing to challenge your challenges today?

PS – Keeping a gratitude journal is the perfect way to remind yourself of all the good you have in your life.  Have you written in yours today?

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