When will you be satisfied?

who what why when how sign“You say, ‘If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.’ You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“When I finish school, THEN I’ll be happy.”, “When I get married, THEN I’ll be happy.”, “When I find the ultimate sales job, THEN I’ll be happy.”, “When I’m a famous speaker and best-selling author, THEN I’ll be happy.” I have either uttered these words or thought them at some point in my life, and yet I realize that when I’m happy with what I have, the rest of my life flows better.

In the movie, “The Keeper of the Keys,” Marci Shimoff tells the story of finally experiencing the day she had always dreamed about. She had just given a talk to over 8000 people and had signed 5400 books at the event. She had three books on the New York Times Best-Seller list and she was staying in the penthouse suite of a five-star hotel. Instead of being blissfully happy, like she always expected she would, she cried herself to sleep that night. It wasn’t until she took the time to do the deep inner work that allowed her to be happy, no matter where she was in her life, which made all the difference.

What events in your life will “make” you happy? If you answered that question, stop for a moment and count your current blessings. Realize that when you get to the “pinnacle of your personal and professional pursuits,” you are just going to be longing for the next peak – so take the time and enjoy the ride!

Have fun,


Ok, even though I’m not a famous speaker and best-selling author YET, it is quite an adventure getting there!

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