Employee Engagement is Compounded by Gratitude

“It’s been such a powerful exercise, every morning to get up and say thank you, every morning…. what am I grateful for….  and I’m not just thinking about them…. I’m feeling the feelings of gratitude.” James Arthur Ray

A simple practice of gratitude started with friends in 2009 changed my life. Can it change yours? YES! You may be saying, “Yes, but Lisa, I’m grateful all the time. I’m always thanking people. Why do I need to write it down?”

Because it takes less than two minutes, and it works!

First thing in the morning, or last thing at night, give yourself the gift of writing in your gratitude journal. Your “journal” may be a notebook, a journal, or loose leaf paper – it’s all good. Write down 3-5 things for which you are grateful and in doing so, you’ll experience that feeling of gratefulness. Add details to each entry so your writings are slightly different each day.

When I consult with organizations, one of the first things I share with participants is the power of keeping a gratitude journal. Why? Because even if someone is not engaged at work, or is having a problem with a particular employee, by focusing on the good things that are happening in his or her life, a disengaged employee can find better ways to connect emotionally with others in the organization.

One employee engagement idea that a client uses is putting a gratitude ledger by the time clock. After an employee clocks in, they take a moment and write down one good thing that they appreciate. Starting the day on a positive note, benefits everyone.

Your organization can get more engaged, one good thing at a time. Take the time, write down your thoughts and find the good.


PS – Feel the pen in your hands, see the words on paper, hear the expressions of thankfulness – by taking advantage of as many senses as you can in your process, you’ll increase the depth of your experience.

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